Portions of the 600 MHZ 1H NMR NOESY spectrum (mixing time 40 ms, repetition rate 1.5 s−1; sweep width 17 ppm) illustrating key DMDH-residue and inter-residue contacts: (A) 1CH3 to Phe207 ring; (B) 8CH3 to Tyr134 ring, Ala28 CβH3 to Phe207 ring and His25 CαH; (C, D, F) His25 intra-residue; (E) 2CH3 to Phe214 ring; and (E) inter-aromatic and aromatic-aliphatic contacts involving Phe47, Tyr58, Tyr134, Phe166, Phe167 and Leu164 in the distal aromatic cluster. Note that in panel (B), 1CH3 and 8CH3 are folded-in.