The number of residues in each IAP is shown, as well as the functional motifs that they contain. The BIRC nomenclature equivalents are provided. ILP2, ML-IAP, and Deterin are shown in this figure but not discussed in the review because little information about their function is available. NCBI GenBank ( accession numbers are survivin: O15392; ILP2 : Q96P09; ML-IAP : Q96CA5; XIAP : P98710; c-IAP1 : Q13490; c-IAP2 : Q13489; NAIP : Q13075; Bruce : Q9NR09; Deterin : NM_142351; DIAP1 : Q24306; DIAP2 : Q24307: DBruce : NP_649995. CARD, caspase-associated recruitment domain; UBC, ubiquitin-conjugation; NOD, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain; LRR, leucine-rich repeats.