Fig. 1.
Fixed points analyses for one cell. a Cylinder space (S,ϕ) with nullclines (orange for dS/dt = 0, yellow for dϕ/dt) and some trajectories. Left to right shows the three possible scenario: M0 is stable fixed-point for μ < μc, M0 is the Milnor attractor for μ = μc and M0 is unstable fixed-point for μ > μc. b Evolution of the two Lyapunov exponents of the system at M0 (in blue) and M1 (in green) in function of σ (ρ = 1). As expected, one exponent becomes null at σ = μc. c Evolution of the two fixed points, M0 and M1, when σ is varied. μ = μc corresponds to a transcritic bifurcation