Figure 1.
A: Dual oscillator interference model of phase precession, showing the sum of an oscillatory somatic input (vs) at 10Hz, and an oscillatory dendritic input at 11.5 Hz (vd). That is, vs+ vd, where vs=ascos(ws t), vd = adcos(wd t+φd), with ws =10×2π, wd=11.5×2π, as = ad = 1, φd = 0. The sum of the two oscillations is an interference pattern comprising a high frequency “carrier” oscillation (frequency 10.75Hz) modulated by a low frequency “envelope” (frequency 0.75Hz; rectified amplitude varies at 1.5Hz). B: Schematic showing a cell whose firing rate is the rectified sum of both inputs (Θ is the Heaviside function). The top row of A represents the phase at which peaks of the interference pattern occur – i.e. peaks of the overall membrane potential when summing the dendritic and somatic inputs and thus likely times for the firing of an action potential.