Figure 1.
Standard curves for quantification of Leishmania DNA polymerase and Lutzomyia longipalpis periodicity gene input copies. () Mean Leishmania DNA polymerase Ct values ± 1 SD from independent experiments of three replicates of 10-fold serial dilutions of Le. infantum DNA in molecular biology grade (MBG) water, tested on different days, were plotted against the logarithm of the DNA amount (100 ng to 10 pg per reaction). Slope = –4.101; intercept = 39.139; r2 = 0.9821; efficiency = 10−1/slope = 1.7533. (
) Mean Lu. longipalpis per Ct values ± 1 SD from five independent experiments of three replicates of 10-fold serial dilutions of sand fly DNA in MBG water, tested on different days, were plotted against the logarithm of the DNA amount (100 ng to 10 pg per reaction). Slope = –3.486; intercept = 41.936; r2 = 0.9799; efficiency = 10−1/slope = 1.93581. Ct: the cycle number at which fluorescence rises significantly above the background fluorescence.