Figure 2.
Examples of EEG-electrode recording sites in anterodorsal CA1 (a, b, c) and dorsal subiculum (d), showing photomicrographs for specific rats (see Figures 3a and 4a). Thick arrows point to tissue damage and other indicators of the track made by a given tetrode. Thin arrows point to likely recording locations. The scale bar in A applies to all photomicrographs, and does not take into account tissue shrinkage. a) Location of electrode used in Rat 1 (throughout the experiment; CA1 stratum radiatum). b) Location of electrode used in Rat 2 (CA1 in/around pyramidal layer). c) Location of electrode used in Rat 3 (Days 1-4; CA1 in/around pyramidal layer). d) Location of electrode used in Rat 3 (Days 5, 1*-3*; deep subiculum).