PTP inhibition provides lasting protection: quantification. A, Six weeks after the contusion and 2 weeks after the termination of the infusion, the CTB-traced innervation of the gracile nucleus (GN CTB) was greater with infusion of 100 μm bpV(phen) (100 bpV) than with PBS treatment and was comparable with the sham values. The number of axons in the fasciculus gracilis at C3 was completely protected by bpV(phen). The dorsal column white matter at the injury epicenter (epi) was protected to ∼80% of sham. B, The number of axons at C3 predicted the performance in the last grid-walk test 6 d before. The regression analysis was performed on data pooled from both treatment groups. The p value indicates the significance of the correlation between the axon counts and the grid performance. Open squares, PBS; filled circles, bpV(phen).