Figure 3.
Identification of δ-catenin gene mutation in prostate cancer. A. SSCP of δ-catenin 204bp PCR products amplified from prostate cancer and benign tissues. Although 25 cases were studied, single strand DNA patterns of 18 prostate cancer cases were displayed here. Arrows point to the shift of DNA bands due to single strand conformation change. B. SSCP of δ-catenin 133bp PCR fragments amplified from prostate cancer tissue case # 4, cell lines and normal control specimens to verify the mutation causing band shift initially observed in A. NB: normal blood. NP: normal prostate. Case #4N: adjacent benign tissue. Case #4C: cancerous tissue with mutation. C: Sequence illustration showing the position of mutation (-9 G>A) detected in 5′UTR of δ-catenin in prostate cancer case #4 by SSCP. D. δ-Catenin 5′UTR sequencing profile showing G (Upper panel, normal) to A (Lower panel, cancer) mutation at -9 nucleotide position.