Figure 1.
Austroraptor cabazai MML 195, holotype. (a) Skeletal reconstruction and body shape, indicating discovered bones. Body length was estimated following equations described by Turner et al. (2007). (b) Skull reconstruction in left lateral view. (c) Left lacrimal in dorsal aspect. (d) Cervical 3? in left lateral view. (e,f) Cervical 8? in (e) left lateral and (f) cranial views. (g,h) Dorsal 4? in (g) left lateral and (h) cranial views. (i,k) Pedal phalanx II-2 in (i) left lateral and (k) dorsal views. (j,l) Pedal phalanx IV-2 in (j) left lateral and (l) dorsal views. af, antorbital fenestra; cp, carotid process; d, dentary; dp, diapophysis; f, foramina; fr, frontal; fsp, fan-shaped process of lacrimal; g, groove; h, caudoventral heel; lac, lacrimal; mx, maxilla; mxf, maxillary fenestra; ns, neural spine; o, orbit; pan, postantral wall; po, postorbital; poz, postzygapophysis; pp, parapophysis; prz, prezygapophysis; rpmx, rostral process of maxilla; st, spine table.