Nα-terminal acetylation did not affect initial
peroxidase activity. A, peroxidase activities of hPrx II and rPrx
II were monitored by NADPH oxidation in the presence of thioredoxin system
(see “Experimental Procedures”). An initial linear portion of the
absorbance change (10 s) was used for the calculation of these activities. The
results shown are the means of three independent assays. Samples from the
assay mixtures were taken out 150 s after the reaction start and subjected to
two-dimensional PAGE (B) and SDS-PAGE (C) analysis to
identify and quantitate CP-SO3H, respectively.
Immunoblots were visualized by anti-Prx II and
anti-CP-SO3H antisera. r, rPrx II; h,
hPrx II. D, graphical representation of the Tsa1p-SO3H
immunoblot signal of C. The band intensities were quantitated by a
densitometer (Gel Doc XR system, Bio-Rad).