Chemical shift mapping of the interaction between p53-PCD and ASPP2-CT
and iASPP-CT. Superposition of the 1H-15N TROSY-HSQC
spectra of U-15N,2H-labeled ASPP2-CT (A) and
15N,2H-labeled iASPP-CT (D) without
(black) and in the presence (red) of unlabeled p53-PCD. Two
selected regions are expanded, and individual resonances along the titration
are shown in the inset (increasing amounts of p53-PCD are shown with
the colors black → green → yellow →
cyan → red). B and E, magnitude of
the chemical shift changes versus residue number for ASPP2-CT and
iASPP, respectively. The chemical shift change (Δδ) is calculated
using the square root of ΔδHN2 +
(ΔδN × 0.1)2, with
ΔδHN and ΔδN representing the
1HN and 15N chemical shift differences, respectively,
between free ASPP-CT (black spectrum in A and D)
and the final mixture (red spectrum in A and D).
Changes for residues whose resonances broaden and/or are difficult to follow
through the entire titration are estimated from earlier titration points and
indicated with magenta arrows. Structural mapping of the p53 binding
site on ASPP2-CT and iASPP-CT is provided in the insets. Domain
boundaries for ASPP2-CT and iASPP-CT are indicated below the
residue numbers. The complex structures of ASPP2-CT·p53-PCD
and iASPP-CT·p53-PCD were modeled based on the ASPP2-CT·p53-CD
crystal structure (Protein Data Bank code 1YCS) by comparative modeling using
MODELLER (46), and residues
are colored according to the magnitude of their associated chemical
shift changes: red, Δδ >
(Δδaverage + 2 × S.D.);
orange,(Δδaverage + 2 × S.D.)
>Δδ > (Δδaverage + 1 × S.D.).
C and F, titration curves for selected ASPP2-CT and iASPP-CT
1HN resonances, respectively.