Brain cluster with significant greater brain activation across all faces in the TD versus ASD and FXS group: (a) Right Fusiform Gyrus (FG): x = 20, y = −70, z = −2; 172 voxels. Brain clusters with significantly greater brain activation across all faces in the FXS versus versus TD control and ASD groups: (b) Left Hippocampus (HIPP): x = −19, y = −13, z = −15; 116 voxels, (c) Right Insula (INS): x = 39, y = −4, z = −6; 277 voxels, (d) Left Post Central Gyrus (PCG): x = −36, y = −28, z = 48; 402 voxels, (e) Left Superior Temporal Gyrus (STG): x = −45, y = −21, z = 11; 905 voxels. All images are presented in radiological convention such that the right hemisphere is displayed on the left of each coronal image. The clusters are color- coded based on the TD control and ASD minus fragile X t-statistic values (positive values indicate TD & ASD > FXS). Averaged MR time series are presented below each cluster for the 14 seconds post stimulus onset.