G2A is expressed by primary mouse hepatocytes. A, Morphological characteristics of primary hepatocytes isolated from high-cholesterol diet-fed (20 weeks) LDLR-/-G2A+/+ and LDLR-/-G2A-/- mice. B, Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showing G2A expression by primary hepatocytes (macrophages shown as positive control). The data shown is the average of 3 independent experiments, each performed in triplicate. Inset, Ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel showing the expected size of G2A-specific amplification products. 1: LDLR-/-G2A+/+ hepatocytes, 2: LDLR-/-G2A-/- hepatocytes, 3: LDLR-/-G2A+/+ macrophages, 4: LDLR-/-G2A-/- macrophages. C, Immunoblot analysis of G2A protein levels in hepatocytes and macrophages from LDLR-/-G2A+/+ and LDLR-/-G2A-/- mice. 1: LDLR-/-G2A+/+ hepatocytes, 2: LDLR-/-G2A-/- hepatocytes, 3: LDLR-/-G2A+/+ macrophages, 4: LDLR-/-G2A-/- macrophages. ERK2 immunoblot is shown as a control for protein loading.