Loss of GRK2 in cardiac myocytes alters gene expression in the failing heart. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis 28 days post MI in the remote non-infarcted region of the LV. A, ANP; B, BNP; C, β-MHC; D, Coll-1; E, MMP-9; F, GRK2; and G, GRK5. All values normalized to 28S levels. n=6–8 animals/group, *P<0.05 MI GRK2 fl/fl vs. MI αMHC-Cre × GRK2 fl/fl and Sham GRK2 fl/fl and Sham αMHC-Cre × GRK2 fl/fl, #P<0.05 MI GRK2 fl/fl vs. Sham GRK2 fl/fl, one-way ANOVA.