Fig. 1.
Genetic organization of the C. difficile PaLoc and analysis of toxin mutants. (a) PaLoc genetic organization. XbaI sites (X) are shown, with the PaLoc co-ordinate indicated. Boxes indicate regions used in the recombination vectors and the tcdB- and tcdA-specific probes. Ovals show the gene-specific promoters and arrows the direction of transcription. (b) Structural organization of toxin B (toxin A is similar). Co-ordinates indicate the amino acid number. Relevant domains are shown18. The box indicates the region in the recombination vectors. (c) Southern hybridization of mutants. Genomic DNA was XbaI-digested and blots probed as shown. λ-HindIII markers are indicated (kb). WT represents strain JIR8094, the mutant lanes are indicated. DNA was purified from cultures grown in the absence (−) or presence (+) of thiamphenicol selection.