A) The different fusion experiments performed; (−) no clones present, (+) clones present which could be picked and expanded. Fusion of Y-bearing spermatids and spermatozoa for Ube2a knockout mice was not examined, since the neo selection marker localizes to the X (gray boxes). B) PCR with genomic DNA detecting the wild type and mutated Ube2b-neo allele. Clone numbers are indicated, and control DNA was isolated from wild type, Ube2b−/− and +/− mice. C) FACS analysis detecting the DNA content of diploid ES cells, and four different triploid ES cell lines analyzed in (B). D) Karyotyping of 9 triploid ES cell lines, shown in (B); indicated are chromosome counts of individual methaphase spreads. Right panels show representative examples of metaphase spreads. E) Y chromosome paint analysis; shown is the number of metaphase spreads with 0, 1, and 2 Y chromosomes. Right panels show representative examples of metaphase spreads subjected to DNA FISH using a Y paint probe (red, DNA is blue). F) X chromosome paint analysis, shown is the number of metaphase spreads with 1, 2, 3, and 4 X chromosomes. Right panels show representative examples of metaphase spreads subjected to DNA FISH using an X paint probe (Red, DNA is blue).