Conduits for intercellular diffusion of macromolecules might be
Lim2-dependent cell fusions. Living, intact lenses were imaged by confocal
microscopy following incubation in the lipophilic fluorescent dye, FM4-64. The
ordered arrangement of the fiber cells in the vicinity of the anterior suture
is evident but, in wild-type lenses, numerous cellular dilations are also
present (arrows). Dilations are distributed throughout the tissue volume in
this region, as shown by three representative sections from a z-stack
collected beneath the anterior pole of the lens. A similar region (note the
presence of the Y-shaped suture in each case) from a
Lim2Gt/Gt mouse lens is shown in the lower panels.
Cellular dilations are not present in the Lim2Gt/Gt lens.
Scale bar: 50 μm.