Figure 1. IP receptor status does not effect PGIS-mediated lung tumor prevention.
A. Intracellular cAMP content was measured in Type II cells isolated from wild-type or IP receptor knockout mice that were stimulated with iloprost (white bars) or vehicle control (black bars). cAMP content was only increased in wild-type mice stimulated with iloprost. *P<0.05 vs Control. B. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR products for PGIS transgene (400bp band) and IP receptor knockout (PGIR; 1400bp wild-type band and/or 950bp knockout band). C. The indicated genetic mice were injected with 1mg/g mouse weight ethyl carbamate. Twenty weeks later, mice were sacrificed and lung tumors counted. PGIS mice developed significantly fewer lung tumors regardless of IP receptor status. *P<0.05