Figure 4. Pvr function is autonomous to the salivary gland.
(A–F) Lateral views of stage 15 embryos stained with FKH. (B) In Pvr mutant embryos the salivary glands curve ventrally. (C) Expression of a dominant negative transgene for Pvr in the gland phenocopies the Pvr mutant phenotype (compare B and C). (D,G) Expression of dominant negative Pvr in the hemocytes has little effect on salivary gland positioning. (E,G) The Pvr mutant phenotype can be rescued by UAS-Pvr using a salivary gland specific GAL4 driver, fkh-GAL4. (F,G) A constitutively active Pvr construct is also able to rescue the Pvr mutant phenotype when driven in the salivary gland. (G) Graphical representation of phenotypic penetrance in embryos scored for salivary gland migration defects at stages 14–16. At least 30 embryos were scored for each genotype represented on the graph.