Figure 1.
Figure 1A. In vitro doxorubicin release from various Doxil® preparations in cell culture media containing 10% BSA
Figure 1B. Biodistribution data of 111In-labeled Doxil®-mimicking liposomal preparations in skin (auricular) tissue of the ears, in healthy BALB/C mice (left panel); and 4T1-tumor-bearing mice (right panel). (◆) Doxil®-mimicking liposomes; and (Δ) mAb 2C5-modified Doxil®-mimicking liposomes. (n = 4, results indicated ± SD)
Figure 1C. Hybrid representation of the different Doxil®-mimicking liposome accumulation and doxorubicin release profiles; 1-original Doxil®; 2- mAb 2C5- Doxil®, determined for 24 hrs and extrapolated up to 4 days.