Table 1.
Socio-demographic description of on women who delivered within the last 12 months in the Iraq MICS of 2000
Total | |
Factor | n (%) |
Age (years) | |
<25 | 861 (31.1) |
25–34 | 1399 (49.1) |
35+ | 613 (19.8) |
Currently married | |
Yes | 2851 (99.3) |
No | 22 (0.7) |
Maternal education level | |
None | 918 (27.9) |
Primary | 276 (46.2) |
secondary or higher | 640 (25.9) |
Area of residence | |
Urban | 1481 (62.8) |
Rural | 1388 (37.2) |
Wealth index (Quintiles) | |
Poorest | 946 (25.0) |
Second | 546 (19.7) |
Middle | 574 (20.8) |
Fourth | 416 (21.1) |
Richest | 387 (13.4) |
Number of children ever born | |
1 or 2 | 877 (31.4) |
3 or 4 | 815 (29.9) |
5 or 6 | 568 (19.0) |
7 or more | 611 (19.7) |
Delivery assisted by Traditional birth attendant | |
No | 2070 (73.1) |
Yes | 803 (26.9) |
Note: numbers are not adding up because of non responses to some variables