Figure 1.
Biogenesis of the U1 snRNA–TAF15 complex and its fate in the cell. U1 snRNA is transcribed in the nucleus and transported to the cytoplasm where the snRNA is modified, associates with Sm proteins (and other factors that are not depicted), and is re-imported into the nucleus for additional modification and assembly into the functional U1 snRNP. The mature processed and modified U1 snRNA is able to associate with TAF15 and incorporate into complexes that concentrate on chromatin through an unknown mechanism. When Pol II transcription is inhibited, the complex containing U1 snRNA and TAF15 localizes to perinucleolar cap structures. Pol II, RNA polymerase II; snRNA, small nuclear RNA; TAF15, TATA box binding protein-associated factor 15. Asterisks indicate snRNA modifications.