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. 2009 Mar 13;10:107. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-10-107

Table 1.

Nucleotides composition of completely sequenced mt genomes of Acari and Limulus polyphemus*.

Organism a Sb Genbank acc. nr Complete mt genome mt PCGc 12S-rRNA 16S-rRNA Control Region(s)d Ref. e
Length (bp) AT% AT-skewf GC-skewf Length (bp) AT% Lengh (bp) AT% Length (bp) AT% Length (bp) AT%
D. pteronyssinus A EU884425 14,203 72.60 -0.199 0.194 10,826 71.61 665 72.93 1078 76.07 286 91.61 this study
Am. triguttatum P NC_005963 14,740 78.40 -0.022 -0.133 10,876 78.29 693 79.65 1199 81.82 307-307 71.66-71.01 unpub.
As. sp.g A NC_010596 16,067 70.07 0.015 -0.049 10,560 69.27 680 72.79 1047 76.31 1207-1236 70.01–70.06 unpub.
C. capensis P NC_005291 14,418 73.54 0.036 -0.374 10,873 72.66 695 76.26 1225 78.29 342 71.35 [38]
H. flava P NC_005292 14,686 76.91 -0.018 -0.116 10,817 76.65 699 78.40 1196 81.61 310-310 66.45–66.77 [38]
I. hexagonus P NC_002010 14,539 72.66 0.033 -0.366 10,826 71.13 705 78.44 1287 72.60 359 71.87 [37]
I. holocyclus P NC_005293 15,007 77.38 -0.013 -0.254 10,860 76.38 716 77.93 1214 81.55 352–450 78.41–80.00 [26]
I. persulcatus P NC_004370 14,539 77.34 -0.024 -0.269 10,879 76.59 720 78.89 1206 79.77 352 77.56 [26]
I. uriae P NC_006078 15,053 74.79 0.007 -0.328 10,837 73.75 712 78.09 1210 78.35 388–476 77.06-74.16 [26]
Le. akamushi A NC_007601 13,698 67.47 -0.016 -0.075 10,292 67.19 596 67.11 1026 72.03 260–262 60.38-59.54 [74]
Le. deliense A NC_007600 13,731 69.95 -0.017 -0.058 10,292 70.06 602 70.27 1023 73.02 294–301 62.24-61.79 [74]
Le. pallidumh A NC_007177 16,779 70.96 -0.031 -0.044 10,312 71.38 601 72.05 1008 74.90 537-724-736-803 63.87-66.71-66.75-66.50 [24]
M. occidentalisi P NC_009093 24,961 75.97 0.095 -0.291 10,014 74.38 742 81.13 1192 84.31 310-311-311-311 79.35-79.10-79.42-78.78 [23]
O. moubata P NC_004357 14,398 72.26 0.067 -0.379 10,890 71.35 686 74.20 1212 76.90 342 71.64 [38]
O. porcinus P NC_005820 14,378 70.98 0.059 -0.355 10,877 70.11 691 74.38 1207 74.48 338 69.53 [27]
R. sanguineus P NC_002074 14,710 77.96 -0.034 -0.098 10,803 77.96 687 79.18 1190 81.34 303–305 67.33-66.56 [37]
S. magnus A NC_011574 13,818 74.59 -0.020 -0.037 10,560 74.44 609 74.38 992 74.38 1018 75.66 [22]
T. urticae A NC_010526 13,103 84.27 0.026 -0.016 10,226 84.00 646 85.91 991 85.27 44 95.45 [18]
U. foiliig A NC_011036 14,738 72.95 0.201 -0.279 10,679 71.83 649 74.35 1016 74.35 387–644 76.49–77.33 unpub.
V. destructor P NC_004454 16,477 80.02 -0.021 0.177 10,728 79.22 726 80.44 1149 83.12 2174 79.71 [25]
W. hayashiig A NC_010595 14,857 72.97 0.264 -0.305 10,573 73.01 625 75.05 1045 77.42 1403 68.28 unpub.
Li. polyphemus j NC_003057 14,985 67.60 0.111 -0.399 11,077 66.43 799 69.70 1296 71.00 348 81.3 [30,31]

* values were obtained from the corresponding GenBank flat-file in the NCBI database (status January 10, 2009)

a D = Dermatophagoides, Am = Amblyomma, As = Ascoschoengastia, C = Carios, H = Haemaphysalis, I = Ixodes, Le = Leptotrombidium, M = Metaseiulus, O = Ornithodoros, R = Rhipicephalus, S = Steganacarus, T = Tetranychus, U = Unionicola, V = Varroa, W = Walchia, Li = Limulus

b S = Acari superorder (A = Acariformes, P = Parasitiformes)

c PCG = Protein coding genes

d duplications of the control region were also considered

e Ref = References; unpub = unpublished

f GC- and AT-skew for the strand coding for cox1, calculated following [46]

g for these species the largest non-coding region(s) was/were assumed to be the control region(s)

h L. pallidum has a duplication of 16S-rRNA; in this table the largest 16S-rRNA gene is considered

i only single copy genes were considered for protein coding gene length calculation of M. occidentalis

jL. polyphemus belongs to the order of the Xiphosura within the class of the Merostomata