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. 2008 Dec 23;94(3):940–945. doi: 10.1210/jc.2008-1217

Table 1.

Characteristics of study sample by delivery mode

Vaginal, n = 210, n (%) Primary cesarean section, n = 43, n (%) P value
Median age, yr (95% CI) 26.2 (24.8–27.1) 24.8 (22.8–28.1) 0.579a
Race/ethnicity 0.006
 Black non-Hispanic 81 (86) 13 (14)
 Caucasian non-Hispanic 18 (62) 11 (38)
 Hispanic 111 (85) 19 (15)
Skin color 0.734
 Black 72 (83) 15 (17)
 Brown 79 (85) 14 (15)
 White 57 (80) 14 (20)
Season of birth 0.648
 Spring 53 (80) 13 (20)
 Summer 43 (83) 9 (17)
 Fall 47 (89) 6 (11)
 Winter 67 (82) 15 (18)
Infant gender 0.255
 Male 107 (80) 26 (20)
 Female 103 (86) 17 (14)
Maternal birthplace 0.023
 United States 141(87) 21 (13)
 Not United States 69 (76) 22 (24)
Median maternal BMI, kg/m2 25.0 24.0 0.634a
 95% CI (24.0–26.1) (23.1–25.8)
Maternal BMI, kg/m2 0.281
 17 to <25 101 (80) 26 (20)
 25 to <30 56 (86) 9 (14)
 30-<35 29 (91) 3 (12)
 35+ 14 (74) 5 (26)
Education 0.484
 Less than high school 91 (82) 20 (18)
 High school/GED 67 (87) 10 (13)
 More than high school 51 (80) 13 (20)
Insurance status 0.389
 Private 20 (71) 8 (29)
 Public 167 (84) 31 (16)
 Healthy Start 15 (83) 3 (17)
 Other 7 (88) 1 (13)
WIC status 0.236
 No 33 (77) 10 (23)
 Yes 176 (84) 33 (16)
Marital status 0.421
 Single/divorced/widowed 147 (82) 33 (18)
 Married 61 (86) 10 (14)
Any prenatal vitamin use
 First trimester 0.499
  No 48 (80) 12 (20)
  Yes 160 (84) 31 (16)
 Second trimester 0.978
  No 24 (83) 5 (17)
  Yes 185 (83) 38 (17)
 Third trimester 0.978
  No 24 (83) 5 (17)
  Yes 185 (83) 38 (17)