Fig. 1.
Activity changes alter gephyrin delivery into neurites. (A) Cultured neurons microinjected with mRFP-gephyrin cDNA (time point, 0 min), cultured for 8 h with (Lower) or without (Upper) strychnine. Quantitative analysis of fluorescent mRFP-gephyrin signals at time point 8.5 h. Note that mRFP-gephyrin expression requires 6–7 h; detected signals represent newly synthesized protein. (B–E) Quantitative analysis of gephyrin signal numbers, sizes, and intensities in neurites and somata. Neurons were either treated with solvent (control), strychnine, or glycine [12–16 neurons, each; 3–4 experiments (arbitrary units)]. For original values, see SI Experimental Procedures. Data: means ± SEM. (Scale bar, 25 μm.)