Fig. 10.
Effects on gland secretion of lubiprostone-forskolin (Lubi+Fsk) interactions. A and B show data from 2 pig tracheal preparations. In one, 1 μM lubiprostone was added and, 40 min later, followed by 10 μM Fsk in the continued presence of lubiprostone. In the other preparation, the order of agonist addition was reversed. Mean secretion rates for lubiprostone vs. Fsk plus lubiprostone were not significantly different (A; P < 0.12), whereas mean secretion rates for Fsk vs. lubiprostone plus Fsk were significantly different (B; P < 0.04). C details the data from 19 experiments in which Fsk and lubiprostone were used. The numbers above each column show the number of subjects and the total number of glands sampled (e.g., 4/32 means data from 32 glands from 4 subjects were recorded). Error bars are not shown as none of the differences are significant, however, numbers at the base of each pair of columns indicate the number of subjects where the second agonist caused a significant increase (P < 0.05) in secretion rate over that with the first agonist (e.g., *3/4 means a significant difference was obtained in 3 out of 4 subjects).