The effects of simvastatin and SnPP on right ventricular hypertrophy in MCT-PH (A) and CH-PH (B) rats. Simvastatin treatment (MS and HS groups) prevented progression and improved established right ventricular hypertrophy compared with the non-simvastatin treated PH rats (M and H groups). Rats that received SnPP alone (MP and HP groups) or received both simvastatin and SnPP (MSP and HSP groups) developed severe right ventricular hypertrophy. The index of right ventricular hypertrophy is given as the ratio of right ventricle to (left ventricle plus septum) weight [RV/(LV+S)]. Horizontal bars indicate groups that differed significantly from each other, * p < 0.05. (N = normal control, M = monocrotaline treatment, MS = monocrotaline + simvastatin treatment, MSP = monocrotaline + simvastatin + SnPP treatment, MP = monocrotaline + SnPP treatment, H = chronic hypoxia, HS = chronic hypoxia + simvastatin treatment, HSP = chronic hypoxia + simvastatin + SnPP treatment, HP = chronic hypoxia + SnPP treatment).