FIG. 7.
pH agonists decrease cytoplasmic pH. Shown are the cytoplasmic pH measurements and fluorescence ratio images of cytoplasmic pH in growing hyphae expressing RaVC from 18-h-old cultures. (A) Acidification by ATPase inhibitors DCCD (0.1 mM), NEM (0.1 mM), sodium azide (1 mM), and sodium vanadate (1 mM). (B) Acidification by the oxidative protonophores/phosphorylation inhibitors CCCP (10 μM) and FCCP (40 μM). (C) Pseudocolored fluorescence ratio images of hyphae treated with the pH agonists. The pseudocolors correspond to defined pH values calculated from the fluorescence ratios using the in situ calibration (blue, alkaline; red, acidic). Bars = 10 μm.