Regulatory network in aprE expression. The four regulators, which bind upstream regions of aprE, are enclosed by rectangles. The binding sites of ScoC (positions −324 to −295, −292 to −267, −79 to −59, and −35 to −14 relative to the transcription initiation site of aprE), SinR (positions −268 to −220), and AbrB (positions −59 to +25) are shown by the solid, hatched, and open bars, respectively (8, 13, 33). DegU exerts positive effects on the region between positions −164 and −113 (11), and a binding site of DegU was demonstrated within a region spanning positions −146 to +86 (30). GlnA with an asterisk indicates the feedback-inhibited form of GlnA (31, 39). For simplicity, only the phosphorylated form of DegU is shown. The arrows and T-bars show stimulation and inhibition by the regulators, respectively, and the thick lines show the results obtained in this study. The bent arrow depicts the transcription from the aprE promoter. The map is not drawn to scale.