Schematic representation of all of the mrNCRRs from the urine and plasma of the RT patients. Each archetypelike NCRR or mrNCRR is represented by a single line of joined black, red, green, and blue lines representing segments P (68 nt), Q (39 nt), R (63 nt), and S (63 nt), respectively (34). Above each colored line is a letter confirming the name of the segment, followed by a pair of numbers to indicate the range of nucleotides present. The S segment of the WWL2 archetypes and the mrNCRRs derived from them are represented by a T below the line between nucleotide positions 49 and 50. The letter at the top left of each box identifies the patient. The name of each unique major mrNCRR variant appears at the left of each linear representation. Discontinuous lines separate samples from the same patient taken at different times after RT. The relative distribution of mrNCRR variants and the presence of individual snvNCRR variants for each NCRR for each urine and plasma sample are indicated in Table 2.