FIG. 3.
Cdk2−/− p53−/− mice develop spontaneous tumors. (A) Survival curve generated after following 25 p53−/− mice and 30 Cdk2−/− p53−/− mice for a period of 275 days. (B and C) Representative thymic lymphoma found in one of the Cdk2−/− p53−/− mice. (D) Thymic lymphoma found in Cdk2−/− p53−/− mice compared with the normal thymus of a WT animal of the same age. (E) Comparison of the spleens of a WT animal and Cdk2−/− p53−/− mice. (F to I) Histological sections of tumors found in Cdk2−/− p53−/− mice (Table 2). Sections have been stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Magnifications: panels F, G, and I, ×40; panel H, ×10. Bars: 100 μm (H) and 300 μm (F, G, and I).