Expression of BFLF2/BFRF1 nuclear proteins in ΔBGLF5 cells. (A) Western blot analysis of protein extracts from lytically induced 293/EBV-wt (lane 1), 293/ΔBGLF5 (lane 2), and 293/ΔBGLF5-C (lane 3) cells. The same blot was sequentially immunostained with antibodies specific to BFLF2, BFRF1, BGLF5, or actin as a loading control. (B) Induced cells were immunostained with antibodies specific to BFLF2 or BFRF1, and nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst dye (blue). Immunofluorescence was recorded by using a confocal microscope using identical exposure times to analyze both the distribution and the intensity of the fluorescent signals. Localization of both proteins at the nuclear rim is not altered in the absence of BGLF5.