Temperature dependence of the transport activity of parental OpuA
(panels A and B), OpuA[K3R2] (panel A), and
OpuAΔ119 (panel B) at low and high internal ionic strength.
Proteoliposomes with parental OpuA (○, •), OpuA (K3R2) (▵,
▴), and OpuAΔ119 (□, ▪) were composed of 50 mol % DOPE,
12 mol % DOPC, and 38 mol % DOPG and were loaded with 9 mm
MgSO4, 9 mm Na2ATP plus 10 mm
potassium Pi. Uptake of [14C]glycine betaine was assayed
in 30 mm potassium Pi, pH 7.0, with (closed
symbols) or without (open symbols) 250 mm KCl.
Error bars show standard deviations of average rates from 3
independent experiments. Panel C is the Arrhenius transformation of
the data from panels A and B.