ERK1/2 signaling mediates Bmi-1 down-regulation and chromatin
dissociation in Atm-/- astrocytes. A,
Atm+/+ astrocytes were synchronized by contact inhibition
after subculture, at which time cells were treated with 100 μm
H2O2. Bmi-1 association with chromatin was analyzed by
fluorescence microscope for the presence of puncta in the nucleus.
p16Ink4a up-regulation and Bmi-1/chromatin dissociation
was tested using anti-p16Ink4a antibody. B,
colocalization of Bmi-1 and 53BP1 was tested in the cells after
H2O2 treatment using the same methods. C,
Atm+/+ astrocytes were left untreated or pretreated with
50 μm PD98059 (PD) overnight, before treating with 100
μm H2O2. The effects of 50
μm PD98059 on Bmi-1 localization in astrocytes were analyzed.
D, photomicrographs of Atm+/+ astrocytes culture
from the experiment shown in C. Scale bars, 50 μm.
E, Atm-/- astrocytes were treated with 1
mm NAC or 50 μm PD98059 for 2 days. Bmi-1 expression
and localization in Atm+/+ and Atm-/-
astrocytes were determined. DAPI,