Structural comparison of ALO with PFO (crystal form I), PFO (crystal
form III), and ILY. A, side view of ALO colored by
domain. D1 is colored magenta, D2 is colored cyan, D3 is
colored orange, and D4 is colored green. B, stereo view of
ALO aligned with PFO (I), PFO (III), and ILY using LSQ superimposition in COOT
on all Cα′ atoms in D1 and D3
(70). ALO is colored
red, PFO (I) is colored orange, PFO (III) is colored
blue, and ILY is colored green. C, front view of ALO, PFO (I),
PFO (III), and ILY aligned by D2. D4 has been omitted for clarity. Lower
panels highlight the interactions or lack there of between the
β-turn of D2 and transmembrane hairpin 2 of D3. D, side view of
ALO and PFO (I) aligned by D2. The center panels show a close-up of
the hydrophobic networks at the D2-D4 interface. The right panels
show the interactions on the flip side of the D2-D4 interface.