Expression of CCR2 in the spinal cord. A–C, Spinal cord from CCR2–GFP-report mice shows CCR2 expression in NeuN-positive neurons in the deep (A, B, B′) and superficial (C, C′) dorsal horn. B is a double staining of CCR2–GFP and NeuN. B′ shows high-magnification images of A and B (inset squares). Arrows indicate double-labeled cells. Scale bars: B, C, 100 μm; B′, C′, 25 μm. D, RT-PCR shows CCR2 mRNA expression in the spleen, DRG, and spinal cord (SC) of naive mice after 20–35 cycles of amplification. E–G, In situ hybridization shows CCR2 mRNA expression in spinal cord in normal and nerve injury conditions using a CCR2 antisense probe. CCR2 mRNA-positive cells are not detectable in naive animals (E). Three days after SNL, CCR2 mRNA-positive neurons are seen in deep dorsal horn and ventral horn (F). E′ and F′ are high-magnification images of E and F (inset squares). Hybridization using a control sense probe shows no signal in the spinal cord of SNL animals (G). Scale bars: E–G, 200 μm; E′, F′, 100 μm.