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. 2009 Apr 22;89(6):1744–1750. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26752


Energy intake and expenditure during the controlled metabolic periods in overweight adolescents1

Girls (n = 20) Boys (n = 14)
TEE (kcal/d) 2835 ± 336 3332 ± 312a
REE (kcal/d) 1450 ± 291 1703 ± 301a
Physical activity level (TEE/REE) 2.02 ± 0.41 1.99 ± 0.32
Prescribed energy intake2 (kcal/d) 2111 ± 113 3070 ± 277a
Gross energy intake3 (kcal/d) 2283 ± 124 3341 ± 317a
Gross energy urine (kcal/d) 26 ± 12 25 ± 9
Gross energy feces (kcal/d) 232 ± 63 287 ± 74a
MEIunadj (kcal/d) 2036 ± 140 3028 ± 266a
MEIwtstb (kcal/d) 2804 ± 259 3225 ± 34a

All values are means ± SDs. TEE, total energy expenditure (measured by doubly labeled water); REE, resting energy expenditure (measured by indirect calorimetry); MEIunadj, unadjusted metabolizable energy intake (gross energy of food − gross energy of feces − gross energy of urine); MEIwtstb, metabolizable energy intake for weight stability [MEIunadj − (weight change × 7600 kcal/kg)/number of days]. Superscript letters indicate significant differences between sexes, P < 0.05 (Student's t test).


Prescribed energy intake is the energy need calculated for each individual subject (predicted energy intake requirements) according to the estimated energy requirement formulas in the Dietary Reference Intakes report (22).


Gross energy intake is the energy of the food matter consumed by the subjects during the metabolic study period, which was measured by using bomb calorimetry.