Fig. 5.
PI3-SH3 pulse-labeled samples prepared under PF conditions. (A) ESI-MS mass spectra (+6 charge state). The spectra show the relative populations of Dagg (green band), Oagg (blue band), and Fagg (orange band) at the indicated Δtagg times. Peak intensities are normalized to the overall species population. (B–D) Exchange profile for Dagg (B), Oagg (C), and Fagg (D). These profiles were obtained by multilinear regression analysis combining the NMR data of samples prepared after Δtagg equal to 0, 2, 6, 10, 13, and 15 days and the distribution of populations obtained by ESI-MS. The bars represent the proton occupancy and percentage of exchange for each residue. The locations of the β-sheet strands, turns, and loops in the native state of PI3-SH3 are indicated above the graph. An asterisk above a bar indicates a residue whose resonance is not fully resolved; the absence of a bar indicates that the resonance of the residue is not detectable or that the residue is proline that does not have an amide hydrogen (residues 50, 70, and 84).