Figure 3.
Time course of miRNA induction by GnRH in LβT2 gonadotropes. Cells were treated with either 100 nM GnRH or vehicle and total RNA samples were isolated after 0, 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours of treatment. Expression levels of let-7a, miR-132 and miR-212 were determined by hairpin TaqMan real time PCR assays. Both miR-132 and miR-212 have similar trajectories. Increased levels were observed after 1 hour of GnRH treatment. Induction peaked at 6 hours and the miR-132 and miR-212 levels remained elevated after 24 hours. No significant induction was found in let-7a. This experiment is representative of three independent studies. Error bars denote standard error of the mean of three replicate samples.