Figure 2. Characterization of the ΔT5304 deletion in the tRNATyr gene.
(A) The mutation deleted the A of the innermost base pair of the TΨC stem, as indicated in the cloverleaf structure of tRNATyr. (B) A quantitative oligonucleotide ligation assay (qOLA) was used to estimate the relation between wild-type and mutant molecules in blood samples from golden retrievers. W represents 71 unrelated golden retriever dogs that all show 100% wt molecules. The green bars represent the degree of heteroplasmy of distant relatives (34.8 (22.0); mean (SD)), yellow bars stand for close relatives (5.1 (2.8)) and the red bars represent affected dogs (4.9 (3.5)). (C) Northern blot analyses using probes for mt tRNATyr, mt tRNACys and mt tRNAGln and RNA from three SAN-affected golden retrievers and two unaffected dogs; one dachshund (Control 1) and one golden retriever (Control 2). The values given at the bottom of the blots for mt tRNATyr and mt tRNACys is the relative hybridization intensity normalized using the hybridization intensity for mt tRNAGln. The sample with the highest normalized hybridization intensity was given the value 1.00.