Fig. 1.
Plot of −log10(P) for survival, age of onset, site of onset and susceptibility of sporadic ALS. Analysis for survival, age of onset, site of onset and susceptibility was performed for 288,357 SNPs and the results for the entire genome were plotted as shown in A and (C–E). The x axis represents the chromosomal position and the y axis represents the −log10 of the P value for each SNP. The dotted line represents the cutoff for Bonferroni significance. (A) P values from linear regression analysis of survival. SNPs rs1541160 (circled) and rs855913 were significant after Bonferroni correction. (B) A closer view of the rs1541160 region is shown. Dark points represent SNPs typed in the study, and light points represent SNPs whose genotypes were imputed. (Lower) Imputation certainty for each imputed SNP, defined as the average maximum posterior genotype call probability. The chromosomal region spans 5 Mb on either side of SNP rs1541160. Positions are in National Center for Biotechnology Information build-35 coordinates.