Fig. 1.
Oxidative stress increased in an age-dependent manner. (A) Immunostaining of 8-OHdG (N45.1) in brains of WT and p62 −/− mice with age. After proteinase K treatment, 2, 6, 12 months WT and p62 −/− mice brain sections were stained with anti-8-OHdG monoclonal antibody (7.5 μg/ml) and processed with the MOM kit. Negative controls with no primary antibody controls are also shown. The results are representative of staining conducted on sections from 4 individual mice for each genotype. For each age, images were processed at 5 X, 10 X, and 40 X magnification. (B) Three corresponding regions from CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus from each section were scanned. The quantification of 8-OHdG for each section was expressed by the mean average pixel (Pixel total/region size). The relative intensities were averaged and reported as Mean +/− S.D. Two-way ANOVA results were: Age, F = 46.50, p ≪ 0.05; WT/p62 −/−, F = 38.53, p ≪ 0.05; interaction = NS). Asterisk (*) indicates significant (< 0.05) multiple comparison adjusted p values for individual comparisons of WT vs p62 −/− data for each age class.