Anterior is to the left in all panels. (A) Gastrula stage dorsal view. Bilateral pair of A9.30 cells staining (arrowheads). (B) Neurula stage dorsal view with CiPax6 expression in bilateral strips of neuroectoderm. (C, D) Early tailbud embryo in dorsal and lateral views, respectively. Expression is in entire anterior-posterior length of the nascent CNS. (E, F) Mid-tailbud stage embryo in dorsal and lateral views, respectively. Expression is detected in the sensory vesicle (arrow) and nerve cord, but has become down-regulated in the forming visceral ganglion (brackets). (G) Optical section through a mid-tailbud embryo showing transcripts detected in the two lateral cell ranks of the nerve cord (arrows), which consists of only 4 ependymal cells in cross-section, one dorsal, one ventral and two lateral. (H, I) Dorsal and lateral views, respectively of late tailbud embryos, showing persistent staining in the anterior sensory vesicle and nerve cord. In the higher power view (H), staining is visible in the visceral ganglion, but absent from the neck (n, brackets) and most posterior sensory vesicle. n, neck; nc; nerve cord; sv, sensory vesicle; vg, visceral ganglion.