Single-channel activation properties of the wild-type concatemeric
γβα-βα receptor. A, relationship between the
effective opening rate and GABA concentration. The effective opening rate is
the inverse duration of the GABA concentration-dependent closed-time
component. Each symbol corresponds to data from one patch. The curve was
fitted to the Hill equation. The best-fit parameters are as follows: β
(maximal effective opening rate) = 2950 ± 686 s-1,
EC50 = 1452 ± 488 μM, nH = 1.4
± 0.1. The dashed line is from previous data on
α1β2γ2L receptors
(Steinbach and Akk, 2001),
with the following best-fit parameters: β = 1883 ± 686
s-1, EC50 = 359 ± 162 μM,
nH = 1.7 ± 0.2. B, relationship between the
intracluster open probability (Po) and GABA concentration.
Each symbol corresponds to data from one patch. The curve was fitted to the
Hill equation. The best-fit parameters are as follows:
Pomax = 0.88 ± 0.03, EC50 = 83 ±
10 μM, nH = 1.4 ± 0.2. The dashed line is from
previous data on α1β2γ2L receptors
(Steinbach and Akk, 2001),
with the following best-fit parameters: Pomax = 0.82
± 0.04, EC50 = 70 ± 9 μM, nH =
1.2 ± 0.2.