Fig. 5.
Different muscarinic subtype-selectivity profiles were observed for various PAMs. Increasing concentrations of each PAM, VU0119498 (A), VU0027414 (B), VU0090157 (C), and VU0029767 (D), were added before the application of an appropriate EC20 concentration of ACh determined individually for each muscarinic receptor subtype, and calcium-generated fluorescence changes were measured. Average ACh EC20:M1 (▪, 1.4 nM), M2 (□, 13.2 nM), M3 (•, 0.12 nM), M4 (○, 23.7 nM), and M5 (▴, 0.20 nM). The M2 and M4 receptors were coexpressed with the chimeric G protein, Gqi5, to permit coupling of these Gi/o-coupled receptors to calcium mobilization. Data represent the mean ± S.E.M. of at least three independent experiments performed in quadruplicate.