Figure 4.
Dazap2 interacts with all members of the Tcf/Lef family. (A) The region of TCF-4 required for interaction with Dazap2 as identified by GST pull-down assays (aa 214–228) is partly conserved in other Tcf/Lef family members. The corresponding sequences of the human proteins were aligned using the ClustalV program. Fully conserved amino-acid residues are boxed whilst amino-acid residues with similar biochemical properties are underlined. GenBank accession numbers: TCF-4, NP_110383; TCF-3, NP_112573; LEF-1, NP_057353; TCF-1, NP_003193. (B) Co-immunoprecipitation of Dazap2-FLAG and MYC-tagged TCF/LEF transcription factors in human HEK 293 cells transfected with various Tcf expression constructs as indicated. Co-immunoprecipitation of TCF/LEF proteins using an anti-FLAG antibody is also shown. In the gel denoted ‘Input’, 10% of total lysates was loaded. The asterisks indicate the heavy chains of immunoglobulins used in the experiments.