Age and examination year adjusted rates of total CVD events (per 10,000 person-years) by levels of CRF and number of major CVD risk factors (current smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and family history of CVD) in 5,909 women, Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, Dallas, Texas, 1971-2004. White bars represent low fitness, striped bars moderate fitness, and black bars high fitness. The p values are for a test of linear trend across CRF groups. The number of women (and cases) in the low, moderate, and high CRF groups were 355 (8), 1,068 (21), and 1,690 (25) in those with 0 risk factors; 349 (14), 725 (22), and 963 (24) in those with 1 risk factor; and 178 (13), 303 (20), and 278 (12) in those with ≥2 risk factors. CRF, cardiorespiratory fitness; CVD, cardiovascular disease.