Figure 4.
Small SRP RNA domains. (A) Structure of the human SRP Alu domain (Weichenrieder et al. 2000). The RNA backbone is shown as a ribbon, with backbone and side-chain residues drawn to emphasize the tertiary interaction (marked “ter”). The SRP9/14 protein heterodimer, present only in the human SRP, is labeled “9/14.” The conserved RNA loop that serves as a protein binding site for SRP9/14 is colored in red. (B) Three-dimensional homology model of the Methanococcus jannaschii domain incorporating the conserved features of the human structure and using comparative sequence analysis (Larsen and Zwieb 1991) for other structural features. Backbone and side-chain residues are drawn to show the more extensive tertiary interaction. Three regions containing “extra” RNA are labeled with arrows. The model was generated with the program ERNA-3D (Mueller et al. 1995) on a Silicon Graphics Octane workstation. The figure was generated with the SwissPdbViewer program available at