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. 2002 May 31;1(2):75–86. doi: 10.1155/2002/436561

Table 2.

Bioreactor scale cultivation of archaea: continuous and high cell density fermentation. Abbreviation: Topt = optimal growth temperature.

Microorganism Topt (°C) Cultivation mode Reference

Metallosphera sedula 74 Continuous Rinker et al. 1999
Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum 65 Continuous growth-limiting factor H2 Schills et al. 1996
Methanococcus jannaschii 85 Medium optimization CSTR Mukhopadhyay et al. 1999
Methanococcus jannaschii 80–85 Continuous Tsao et al. 1994
Pyrococcus abyssi ST549 95 Continuous Godfroy et al. 2000
Pyrococcus furiosus 90 Dialysis Krahe et al. 1996
Pyrococcus furiosus 90 Continuous Raven et al. 1992
Pyrococcus furiosus 90 Batch on starch-based medium Raven and Sharp 1997
Pyrococcus furiosus 98 Continuous Rinker et al. 1999
Sulfolobus shibatae 75 Dialysis Krahe et al. 1996
Sulfolobus solfataricus Gθ 75 Microfiltration Schiraldi et al. 1999
Sulfolobus solfataricus MT4 87 Batch on whey-based medium Romano et al. 1992
Thermococcusbarosii 82.5 Duffaud et al. 1998
Thermococcus litoralis 85–88 Batch and continuous Rinker and Kelly 2000