Figure 8.
Increased presynaptic glutamate release to Fos-GFP positive neurons after sexual attraction. (A and B) Example of Fos-GFP negative (A) and positive (B) cells from layer II/III of the ACC that was targeted for whole-cell recording dilated with Alexa fluor 594. (C) Typical traces showing paired-pulse stimulations with interval of 35, 50, 75,100, 150 ms in Fos-GFP negative and positive neurons. (D) Decreased paired-pulse facilitation in Fos-GFP positive neurons at interval 35 ms or 50 ms compared with those in Fos-GFP negative neurons. (E) Representative traces showing mEPSC recordings in Fos-GFP negative and positive neurons. (F) Cumulative probability and pooled data (inset) showing the increased mEPSC frequency in Fos-GFP positive neurons than that in Fos-GFP negative neurons. (G) Cumulative probability and pooled data (inset) showing that there is no difference in mEPSC amplitude between Fos-GFP positive and negative neurons.